Subscription Spring Cleaning for Yoga Nag

Hi friends,

No pretty pics tonight…. All business. Scroll to the bold if you just want to get to it.

There is some pretty good news on the privacy front. You have probably been getting lots of emails in the past few days about how every group in the world is updating their privacy policies. You may already know why. The EU has some new regulation — General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) — that has just gone into effect in the last few minutes….and I am probably okay as is, but I am going along with the program. It’s a good season to assess our stuff.

I am one of the senders of group emails, albeit fairly infrequently of late. Some of you aren’t reading this on my Yoga Nag site but get these blogs emailed directly to you, because you signed up to receive them at some point.

If you want to stay on this Yoga Nag email list, you have to click on the link below and send me an email.

Keep me on the Yoga Nag list

(Of course, you can also always unsubscribe later at anytime.)

As a prezzie for those of you sticking around, I will send you an audio recording (old school, baby) of a short yoga flow to get you moving and breathing ….sometime in the next 2 weeks. A good friend and client has been asking for this for a long time, so I am taking this opportunity to do it and share it.

If you want to get off my list, you don’t have to do anything. You will automatically be deleted from my list. No hard feelings. Please oh please don’t sign back up if you don’t want my emails. There is nothing worse than an inbox full of stuff you don’t want. I totally get it. And I would much prefer to know that all of the people getting my blogs via email are actually psyched about it.

My next post is brewing, and it is going to be all about just that, doing what you love…. Start now. Are you on or off. You get to choose.

Peace and pauses,


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