Daily Practice?

People often ask me, especially lately as I have been living more time offline and away from social media, how often I practice yoga, and more specifically, what I practice regularly.

Rarely a day passes without some form of yoga, which usually includes these child’s pose side body stretches, ahhhhh….

I am also pretty addicted to lunges, especially a lunge twist, oh, how I love those. And I usually do at least a few sun salutations, and attempt to get myself upside down in some way or another. Some days have much more than other days. Some days much less. I certainly have had much bigger physical yoga moments than I am currently having, and I am working on this, trying to get back to a bit more. I miss it.  I definitely could do more of these….

In addition, every day I do breath work and breath focus, as part of or in addition to some form of mindfulness, if not a proper meditation.

As many know, including students in my classes, there are a lot of other ways to do yoga other than the physical postures many associate with “yoga,” and very often, those practices are just as important, if not more important than a downward facing dog.

I work hard to have integrity and balance in my practice,  and in my life as it relates to my practice. This is also my yoga. One pose at a time. One breath at a time. One moment at a time.

Videos at yoganag.com

Peace, practice, and pauses,
Daisy, aka Yoga Nag

NagADay–Pincha Press!

Then this happened. Not the most elegant. Not the prettiest pincha. And don’t love a belly show. But still! A press up to pincha! My first.

VIDEO at http://www.YogaNag.com

Do yoga. Today. Every day.

From my mat to yours,
Yoga Nag

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#doyogatoday #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogaistheartofliving #pinchamayurasana #questforthepress #practice #homepractice