Where have I been? So many places except here….on my sweet YogaNag site. I have stepped away from the constancy of it all, not from my yoga but from blogging and posting on social media as regularly….as many of you know, as I have mentioned. It is such a time suck, sometimes a wonderful one, but not always. For me, it became a bit too mechanical and somewhat compulsive. So, I had to dial back. Moving forward, I am not sure what my plan is, but I did want to re-engage to say Hi! I am still here, I am still practicing my yoga in many ways (and have been nursing an odd back injury), and I am still energetically nagging all of you to practice your yoga, whatever that means, even if I am not doing my previous Nag-A-Day ways.

I am just back from a divine family vacation around the Great Lakes, feeling restored and a bit sad to be back to the regular daily grind, even feeling a small, slightly whiny grief over vacation past and especially missing the freshness and wonder of the amazing state of Michigan. But simultaneously happy to be home, continually delighted by this wonderful life here with family and friends, and yes, super grateful to have a grind to come back to, my yoga teaching, my writing job, and the mom work at home (that is very different from the mom work on vacation). Frankly, I love all of it.

But today, it’s a post-vacation Monday, and hi ho hi ho, it’s back to work I go….a bit begrudgingly, I must admit.

For yoga, what does that mean? Actually there are some great goodies this week in my public classes:

It is community week at Willow Street Yoga Center, which means $10 classes…. so come and check it out if you are so inclined.  I am teaching Wednesday nights, 6:15pm intermediate flow and 7:45pm level 1/2.

Or come on over to extendYoga for my Thursday 9:30am flow or my usual bargain $5 class on Fridays at noon.  That is all for my weekly public classes at the moment…. But this week I am teaching mamas again too, a workshop also at extendYoga. Details are below.

I would love to see you… in person or in cyberspace.

Keep on keeping on, yogi friends. Practice your yoga.

And if you want more nagging, I do post a bit more regularly Instagram…if you belong to that social media world.





THIS SATURDAY, July 22, 2017 1-3 pm
extendYoga, North Bethesda, MD

Pregnancy can be a magical, transformative, and complicated time. It can be wonderful and exciting, and simultaneously difficult. Your body can feel great one day or one month, and then be achy and uncomfortable the next. Your mind can feel anxious and muddled, or delighted. You can feel so tired, or some days, totally energized. Becoming a mama is a complicated business! Yoga has a lot to offer, wherever you are in your pregnancy, and it can help with labor and recovery too. Join Daisy for a workshop focused on yoga postures, breath work, muscle release tools, and relaxation techniques for pregnancy and labor. In this workshop, you will move, breathe, and create sweet connections with yourself, your baby, and other mamas. You will learn some simple self-care pregnancy and labor tools to take home with you. We will also work on a few strategies to help with recovery after your baby is born. For mamas at any stage in their pregnancy.  No yoga experience necessary.

Daily Practice?

People often ask me, especially lately as I have been living more time offline and away from social media, how often I practice yoga, and more specifically, what I practice regularly.

Rarely a day passes without some form of yoga, which usually includes these child’s pose side body stretches, ahhhhh….

I am also pretty addicted to lunges, especially a lunge twist, oh, how I love those. And I usually do at least a few sun salutations, and attempt to get myself upside down in some way or another. Some days have much more than other days. Some days much less. I certainly have had much bigger physical yoga moments than I am currently having, and I am working on this, trying to get back to a bit more. I miss it.  I definitely could do more of these….

In addition, every day I do breath work and breath focus, as part of or in addition to some form of mindfulness, if not a proper meditation.

As many know, including students in my classes, there are a lot of other ways to do yoga other than the physical postures many associate with “yoga,” and very often, those practices are just as important, if not more important than a downward facing dog.

I work hard to have integrity and balance in my practice,  and in my life as it relates to my practice. This is also my yoga. One pose at a time. One breath at a time. One moment at a time.

Videos at yoganag.com

Peace, practice, and pauses,
Daisy, aka Yoga Nag

Home Practice Classes

Happy Sunday Friends,

I am super excited about a series of classes that starts this coming week.  Yoga Nag helping you come up with some real tools to build your own practice at home.  Full description is below.  I would love to see you there.


9 Week Special, Thursday nights, Jan 14 – March 10, 2016 
Willow Street Yoga Center, Silver Spring, MD

Yoga has the potential to be a transformational practice for our bodies, minds, and lives. But making change requires more than coming to class once a week. In this series of 9 classes, we will work to develop a home practice specifically tailored to your life and your needs. We will work on many aspects of yoga, including asana, breath work, meditation, chanting, and moving around the world with more awareness and care. Please bring a notebook and paper, as well as a picture-taking device. At least one year of weekly yoga experience required.  To register, go to: http://www.willowstreetyoga.com/class_descriptions/transformation-takes-work-grow-a-home-practice/


Happy Hour Yoga TONIGHT

Hi beauties,

Join me tonight for a fun, challenging and relaxing yoga practice at the beautiful Grace studio in downtown Silver Spring, 6:30-8pm.  We will flow, move and breathe, and rest well.  It is going to be great, I promise.  Whether unwinding from a full week, switching into weekend mode, or both…or just wanting to move your body, breathe, and get centered, this class is all yours.  Come.  I would love to see you. And this beautiful space is waiting for you.
Details at: http://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/home?studioid=153282

Do yoga. Today. Everyday.

Peace and pauses,

Daisy, aka Yoga Nag

Saturday Workshop

Hi friends,
I am teaching a very sweet and small yoga workshop this weekend at Grace Studio in downtown Silver Spring. Give yourself some loving kindness in the form of a very well-rounded Saturday afternoon (1:30-3pm) practice, which will include: a brief, centering meditation, turning attention to the breath; a challenging, full-body vinyasa flow, integrating breath with movement; some important restorative work; and a deliciously-full Savasana. Join me and prepare to feel inspired, peaceful, and restored. Sounds pretty good, right? 🙏

Peace and Practice,
Yoga Nag

#Yoga #workshop #vinyasa #flow #restoration #savasana.


This space! Such a pretty invitation. The quiet before students arrive. This is beautiful Grace studio in downtown Silver Spring. Come do yoga with me here. This Saturday, 1:30pm, or every Thursday night, 6 pm. A block from the Silver Spring metro.

Do #yoga. Today. Everyday.

Practice and pause,
Yoga Nag
#yogaeveydamnday @gracyps

TGIF Yoga! Tonight and Next Friday Night

Two TGIF Yoga W O R K S H O P S!

Tonight at Grace. in downtown Silver Spring—a strong flow followed by deep yoga nidra rest, with the spectacular Lika Elwood.  It is going to be great.  6:30-8 pm.

Next Friday at Willow Street Yoga, also in downtown Silver Spring, with the smart and lovely Tom Forhan.  A candlelight flow with some very good guided meditation. 7:30-9:30 pm.

Please join us!  For one or both.  I would love to see you.  And what better to kick off your weekend.

Details below or at: https://yoganag.wordpress.com/class-schedule/

Peace and pauses,
Yoga Nag


 Happy Hour Indeed: Strong Flow. Deep Rest.

6:30-8:00 pm TONIGHT
GRACE. Silver Spring, MD
with the Dream Team: Lika Elwood and Daisy Whittemore
Guaranteed fun and relaxation not to be missed!


A Midwinter Night’s Dream: Candlelit Yoga and Meditation with Tom Forhan and Daisy Whittemore

Feeling creaky and stuck in the wintertime? Tired of the chill and the dark? Join Daisy and Tom for a Friday night candlelit practice, starting with a smooth, warming flow followed by a meditation that will bring light into your heart. Geared to students who have completed at least one session of Yoga I. In Silver Spring.
Friday, February 6, 2015
7:30-9:30 pm 
Willow Street Yoga Center, Silver Spring, MD

Upcoming Workshop–THIS FRIDAY

Happy Hour Indeed: Strong Flow. Deep Rest.
with Lika Elwood & Daisy Whittemore

January 30,  6:30-8:00 p.m.
Grace, Silver Spring, MD

This evening practice strikes a sweet balance of power and play, movement & stillness, strength & relaxation, leaving you refreshed, and at peace. Lika will lead an engaging vinyasa flow encouraging students to find both the power and the play in their practice. We will work hard. And play hard. Daisy will follow with a guided savasana, known as Yoga Nidra (or yogic sleep), a form of meditation that leads awareness though various levels of mental process settling the nervous system and cultivating an inner sanctuary of well-being, calmness, and clarity. It is a great way to kick off your weekend.

Join us!

flow and rest

This workshop will also be offered again on February 27 & March 27.

Yoga Nag’s Upcoming Workshops

Hi Yogis,

There are lots of fun WORKSHOPS with me on the horizon.  See current plans and links at http://www.YogaNag.com or below. I would love to see you!

Peace and pauses, all around,
Daisy, aka Yoga Nag

Happy Hour Indeed:  Strong Flow. Deep Rest. 
with Lika Elwood & Daisy Whittemore
Last Fridays of the month: January 30, February 27 & March 27, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Grace,  Silver Spring, MD

This evening practice strikes a sweet balance of power and play, movement & stillness, strength & relaxation, leaving you refreshed, and at peace. Lika will lead an engaging vinyasa flow encouraging students to find both the power and the play in their practice. We will work hard. And play hard. Daisy will follow with a guided savasana, known as Yoga Nidra (or yogic sleep), a form of meditation that leads awareness though various levels of mental process settling the nervous system and cultivating an inner sanctuary of well-being, calmness, and clarity. It is a great way to kick off your weekend.
Cost: $25 per person per class.  Sign up here.

A Midwinter Night’s Dream: Candlelit Yoga and Meditation,
with Tom Forhan and Daisy Whittemore
Friday, Feb 6: 7:30 – 9:30 PM
Willow Street Yoga Center, Silver Spring, MD

Feeling creaky and stuck in the wintertime? Tired of the chill and the dark? Join Daisy and Tom for a Friday night candlelit practice, starting with a smooth, warming flow followed by a meditation that will bring light into your heart. Geared to students who have completed at least one session of Yoga I.
Cost: $30 per person. Sign up here.

Yoga Playtime: Backbends Made More Fun (with two Yogis who aren’t big fans)!
with Lika Elwood and Daisy Whittemore
Sunday, March 29: 2 – 4pm
extendYoga, North Bethesda, MD

Do backbends bum you out or make you nervous?  Do you always opt for bridge pose when it’s time for backbends in class?  Is it hard for you to press up into wheel?  Or maybe you just want to learn more about how to make your backbends better?

Join Lika and Daisy—two yogis who don’t claim backbends as their favorites—for a playful workshop to make better friends with backbends in your practice. We will help you understand and work on what parts of you that need opening, and what parts of you need strengthening.  We’ll explore why it’s important to tap into the not-so-favorite poses and why/how they can help your practice in general.  We also hope to bring a little more levity to your backbend practice, both in body and spirit. It will actually be fun.  We promise.  Join us!

All levels welcome.
Cost: $30 per person (pre-registration required).  Sign up here.

Flowing into Sweet Stillness 
w/Lika Elwood and Daisy Whittemore
Sunday, May 3: 2-4pm
extendYoga, North Bethesda, MD

This nourishing practice strikes a beautiful balance of power and play, movement and stillness, strength and relaxation, leaving you refreshed and at peace. Lika will lead an energizing, challenging and grounding vinyasa flow, encouraging students to find both the power and the play in their practice. Daisy will follow with a guided savasana, known as Yoga Nidra (or yogic sleep), a form of meditation that leads awareness though various levels of mental process, settling the nervous system and cultivating an inner sanctuary of well-being, calmness, and clarity.  Join us!
Cost: $30 per person (pre-registration required). Sign up here.



20141222-223502-81302869.jpgLast minute Christmas shopping? Need ideas? New Year’s Resolution brewing? Both could lead to YOGA with me. New session at Willow Street Yoga Center starts after the holidays. Lots of options. AND you can sign up now, for yourself, or as a gift for someone else.

Do yoga. Today. AND in the new year. Schedule at http://www.willowstreetyoga.com/instructors/daisy-whittemore/

Peace and practice,
Yoga Nag

#yoga #yogaeverydamnday #holidaylove #christmaspresents
#practiceeverydamnday @emmakristenphotography